!! RFO_MOUSE.BAS Ce programme est une souris TCP/IP code en RFO basic pour les telephones et tablettes Android qui se connecte a la centrale D17 Cette souris propose - un ecran permettant de conduire 2 locos - un ecran TCO - un mode script pour faire des sequences automatiques Historique: 2018-07-31: Jean-Michel Dubois : les TCO sont maintenant decrits dans des fichiers (au lieu d'etre dans le code) 2018-03-23: Jean-Michel Dubois : ajout de l'annulation aux boites de dialogue avec le bouton de retour restauration des touches F0 au retoru sur la page des locos. 2018-02-28: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout d'un parametre pour activer/desactiver le multitouch 2018-02-26: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout d'un parametre pour afficher un rond blanc au dernier doigt et un violet au dernier 2eme doigt (multitouch) 2018-02-18: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout du bargraphe de courant 2018-02-09: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout avertissement passage ANA à DCC modification des input pour ne plus avoir la partie decimale correctif bouton AU loco 2018-01-24: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout du script 2018-01-24: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: passage de 1 a 5 TCO 2018-01-24: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout du TCO 2017-01-24: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: optimisation de la transmission des fonctions F1-F28 2018-01-23: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: correctif: le bouton sens n'etait pas mis a jour en mode acc 2018-01-20: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout de l'UM (Unites multiples) 2018-01-20: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: support du multi touch (utile pour manipuler les 2 potentiometres en meme temps) 2018-01-19: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout d'une 2eme souris 2017-12-27: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout des fonctions F25-F28 zoom en utilisant xscale 2017-12-27: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: passage de l'affichage de la vitesse de 0-28crans a 0-100% ajout des fonctions F5-F24 adaptation automatique a la taille de l'ecran en m'inspirant fortement du code de JM Dubois http://jmdubois.free.fr/fdcc/rfo-souris.bas 2017-12-22: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: ajout de l'accelerometre ajout de la programmation des decodeurs adresses 1-50 --> 0-99 ajout de boutons pour les sorties 2017-06-20: Ulysse Delmas-Begue: creation TBD: - reconnection wifi - affichage mode - affichage courant (can) - voir ecran de test - voir si on passe tco dans un fichier BUG: - aucun Notes: On programme souvent en Anglais voici quelques traductions - mouse = souris - in = entree - out = sortie - turnout = aiguillage Licence: GPLv2 !! !***************** CONFIGURATION ************************ ! Adresse du serveur FDCC-PC ! ex: "" ! ex: "" (Dans ce cas le programme demande a l'utilisateur d'indiquer l'adresse IP) ip$ = "" ! Port du serveur FDCC-PC ! ex: 1234 (port par defaut de FDCC-PC) ! ex: 0 (Dans ce cas le programme demande a l'utilisateur d'indiquer le port TCP) port = 1234 ! Adresse de la locomotive 1ere souris ! ex: 3 ! ex: 1 (Dans ce cas la centrale fonctionne en analogique) ! ex: 0 (Dans ce cas la souris n'est assignee a aucune loco) ! ex: -1 (Dans ce cas le programme demande a l'utilisateur d'indiquer l'adresse DCC) m1_dcc_adr = 0 ! Adresse de la locomotive 2eme souris m2_dcc_adr = 0 ! Autorisation de la programmation des decodeurs dcc_prog_on = 1 ! Activation du wifi (desactivation si 0 pour deboguer) use_net = 1 ! visualisation des zones de click (0 normalement) see_click_zone = 0 ! debug des appuies sur l'ecran des locos (0 normalement) dbg_touch = 0 ! Activation du multitouch pour detecter 2 doigts afin d'utiliser les 2 potentiometres simultanement (1 normalement) use_multitouch = 1 ! Si des parametres manquent, ils sont demandes IF(ip$ = "") THEN INPUT "Adresse IP ?", ip$, "", cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN END ENDIF IF(port = 0) THEN INPUT "Port TCP ?", s$, "1234", cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN END port = val(s$) ENDIF IF(m1_dcc_adr = -1) THEN INPUT "Loco ?", s$, 3, cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN END m1_dcc_adr = val(s$) ENDIF IF(m1_dcc_adr >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 ELSE n = 1 m1_dcc_adr$ = left$(str$(m1_dcc_adr), n) IF(m2_dcc_adr = -1) THEN INPUT "Loco ?", s$, 3, cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN END m2_dcc_adr = val(s$) ENDIF IF(m2_dcc_adr >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 ELSE n = 1 m2_dcc_adr$ = left$(str$(m2_dcc_adr), n) !***************** OUVERTURE DE LA LIAISON TCP/IP ************************ IF(use_net) THEN ! Connect to FDCC-PC server SOCKET.CLIENT.CONNECT ip$, port PRINT "Connected" ! Wait after server welcome message ! or time out after 10 seconds maxclock = CLOCK() + 10000 DO SOCKET.CLIENT.READ.READY flag IF CLOCK() > maxclock PRINT "ERR: Pas de message de bienvenu du serveur FDCC-PC" END ENDIF UNTIL flag SOCKET.CLIENT.READ.LINE msg$ PRINT msg$ msg$ = "souris d17 netv1" SOCKET.CLIENT.WRITE.LINE msg$ pause 1000 ENDIF !***************** VARIABLES DE LA SOURIS ************************ ! specific mouse1 m1_sens = 1 m1_old_sens = 2 %NA m1_vit = 0 m1_old_vit = 0 m1_vit$ = "0" m1_fct0 = 0 DIM m1_fct[30] FOR i = 1 TO 30 m1_fct[i] = 0 NEXT i m1_fbase = 0 m1_update_fct = 1 m1_cmess$ = "" m1_old_cmess$ = "" m1_use_acc=0 m1_inv_acc=0 ! specific mouse2 m2_sens = 1 m2_old_sens = 2 m2_vit = 0 m2_old_vit = 0 m2_vit$ = "0" m2_fct0 = 0 DIM m2_fct[30] FOR i = 1 TO 30 m2_fct[i] = 0 NEXT i m2_fbase = 0 m2_update_fct = 1 m2_cmess$ = "" m2_old_cmess$ = "" m2_use_acc=0 m2_inv_acc=0 ! global cmess$ = "" au_msg$ = "" au = 1 %on demarre en AU maintenant mais sans envoyer l'ordre au_red = 0 old_au_red = 0 ana = 0 can$ = "00" can = 0 DIM fout[6] DIM oldfout[6] FOR i = 1 TO 6 fout[i] = 0 oldfout[i] = 0 NEXT i old_touched = 0 touched = 0 old_touched2 = 0 touched2 = 0 cv_adr=0 cv_dat=0 cv_code=0 cv_adr$="" cv_dat$="" cv_code$="" v_range = 100 um = 0 acc_open = 0 %ouverture au 1er appuie pour qu'on ne l'ouvre pas sur les appareils qui n'en ont pas acc_x=0 acc_y=0 acc_z=0 cpt = 0 %pour clignotement AU cpt2 = 0 %pour ne pas transmettre a chaque fois m1_redraw_pot = 1 m2_redraw_pot = 1 m1_redraw_sens = 1 m2_redraw_sens = 1 first_aff = 1 LOC = 0 TCO = 1 mode = LOC DIM m1_p_rectfct[10] %warning in RFO basic, first elmeent is index 1 DIM m1_p_txtfct[10] %ici car les tableaux ne peuvent etre definit qu'une seule fois DIM m2_p_rectfct[10] DIM m2_p_txtfct[10] script_on = 0 script_clock = 0 script_tempo = 0 script_wait_in = -1 script_wait_u = -1 script_wait_val = 1 script_msg$ = "" pf = 0 %file pointer ok_to_tx = 1 rxed = 1 rxclock = clock() !***************** VARIABLES DU TCO ************************ x0 = 0 y0 = 0 x1 = 0 x2 = 0 y1 = 0 y2 = 0 r = 0 g = 0 b = 0 xc=0 yc=0 xl=50 yl=20 in = -1 aigdir = -1 aigdev = -1 u = -1 v = -1 DIM p_line[100] DIM p_line1[100] DIM p_line2[100] DIM in_line[100] % -1=rien 0-95=in 100-147=aigdir 200-247=aigdev 300-395=u 400-495=!u line_nb = 1 DIM p_rect[100] DIM in_rect[100] rect_nb = 1 DIM p_oval[100] DIM in_oval[100] oval_nb = 1 DIM xy_cmd[100] % ind1=x1 ind2=y1 ind3=x2 ind4=y2 ind5=aig(+0=inv,+100=dir,+200=dev) | ind1=x1 ... xy_cmd_nb = 1 list.create s, action_list action$ = "" txt$="" ! chaine retour: au0 dcc iFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dFFFFFFFFFFFF e000000000000 uFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF cYY --> 91 vrais chars io_in$ = "550000000000000000000000" % 24*4bits=96 io_dir$ = "500000000000" %12*4bits=48 io_dev$ = "A00000000000" %12*4bits=48 io_u$ = "550000000000000000000000" % 24*4bits=96 aig_n = 0 aig_dir = 0 aig_dev = 0 in_n = 0 in_val = 0 u_n = 0 u_val = 0 msg$ = "" msg_cmd$ = "" user_cmd$ = "" DIM p_rect_tco[5] tco_sel = 1 old_tco_sel = 1 rx_updated = 0 FN.DEF MYVAL(a$) IF (IS_NUMBER(a$) = 0) THEN a$ = "0" FN.RTN VAL(a$) FN.END goto main !***************** ! TCO !***************** get_in: in_v = hex(mid$(io_in$,1+in_n/4,1)) %0-15 in_m = shift(1,-mod(in_n,4)) %1,2,4,8 IF(BAND(in_v,in_m)=0) THEN in_val=0 ELSE in_val=1 return get_aig_dir: aig_v = hex(mid$(io_dir$,1+aig_n/4,1)) %0-15 aig_m = shift(1,-mod(aig_n,4)) %1,2,4,8 IF(BAND(aig_v,aig_m)=0) THEN aig_dir=0 ELSE aig_dir=1 return get_aig_dev: aig_v = hex(mid$(io_dev$,1+aig_n/4,1)) %0-15 aig_m = shift(1,-mod(aig_n,4)) %1,2,4,8 IF(BAND(aig_v,aig_m)=0) THEN aig_dev=0 ELSE aig_dev=1 return get_u: u_v = hex(mid$(io_u$,1+u_n/4,1)) %0-15 u_m = shift(1,-mod(u_n,4)) %1,2,4,8 IF(BAND(u_v,u_m)=0) THEN u_val=0 ELSE u_val=1 return get_val: val_res = 0 IF(num>=0 & num<=95) THEN ! entree 0-95 in_n = num GOSUB get_in val_res = in_val ELSEIF(num>=100 & num<=147) THEN ! branche direct d'un aiguillage 100-147 aig_n = num - 100 gosub get_aig_dir val_res = aig_dir ELSEIF(num>=200 & num<=247) THEN ! branche deviee d'un aiguillage 200-247 aig_n = num - 200 gosub get_aig_dev val_res = aig_dev ELSEIF(num>=300 & num<=395) u_n = num - 300 gosub get_u val_res = u_val ELSEIF(num>=400 & num<=495) u_n = num - 400 gosub get_u val_res = 1 - u_val ENDIF return add_line: IF(line_nb = 101) THEN return GR.COLOR 255, r, g, b, 1 %fill GR.line p_line[line_nb], x0+x1, y0+y1, x0+x2, y0+y2 dy=y1-y2 IF(dy<0) THEN dy=-dy dx=x1-x2 IF(dx<0) THEN dx=-dx IF(dx>dy) THEN GR.line p_line1[line_nb], x0+x1, y0+y1-1, x0+x2, y0+y2-1 GR.line p_line2[line_nb], x0+x1, y0+y1+1, x0+x2, y0+y2+1 ELSE GR.line p_line1[line_nb], x0+x1-1, y0+y1, x0+x2-1, y0+y2 GR.line p_line2[line_nb], x0+x1+1, y0+y1, x0+x2+1, y0+y2 ENDIF x1=x2 y1=y2 num = in %-1 par defaut IF(aigdir<>-1) THEN num = 100 + aigdir IF(aigdev<>-1) THEN num = 200 + aigdev IF(u<>-1 ) THEN num = 300 + u IF(v<>-1 ) THEN num = 400 + v in_line[line_nb] = num IF(num<>-1) THEN line_nb += 1 %on ne met dans le tableau que les lignes qui changent in = -1 aigdir = -1 aigdev = -1 u = -1 v = -1 return maj_line: IF(line_nb=1) THEN return FOR i=1 TO line_nb-1 num = in_line[i] IF(num<>-1) THEN % -1 = fix color gosub get_val IF(num>=0 & num<=95) THEN ! entree 0-95 IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_line[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_occ GR.MODIFY p_line1[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_occ GR.MODIFY p_line2[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_occ ELSE GR.MODIFY p_line[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_libre GR.MODIFY p_line1[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_libre GR.MODIFY p_line2[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_libre ENDIF ELSEIF(num>=100 & num<=247) THEN ! branche direct d'un aiguillage 100-147 ! branche deviee d'un aiguillage 200-247 IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_line[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_aigok GR.MODIFY p_line1[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_aigok GR.MODIFY p_line2[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_aigok ELSE GR.MODIFY p_line[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_aigko GR.MODIFY p_line1[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_aigko GR.MODIFY p_line2[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_aigko ENDIF ELSEIF(num>=300 & num<=495) THEN ! variables u/v IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_line[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_on GR.MODIFY p_line1[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_on GR.MODIFY p_line2[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_on ELSE GR.MODIFY p_line[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_off GR.MODIFY p_line1[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_off GR.MODIFY p_line2[i], "paint", p_paint_seg_off ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i return add_rect: IF(rect_nb = 101) THEN return GR.COLOR 255, r, g, b, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rect[rect_nb], x0+xc-xl, y0+yc-yl, x0+xc+xl, y0+yc+yl GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, x0+xc-xl, y0+yc-yl, x0+xc+xl, y0+yc+yl num = in %-1 par defaut IF(aigdir<>-1) THEN num=100+aigdir IF(aigdev<>-1) THEN num=200+aigdev IF(u<>-1) THEN num=300+u IF(v<>-1) THEN num=400+v in_rect[rect_nb] = num IF(num<>-1) THEN rect_nb += 1 in = -1 aigdir = -1 aigdev = -1 u = -1 v = -1 return maj_rect: IF(rect_nb=1) THEN return FOR i=1 TO rect_nb-1 num = in_rect[i] IF(num<>-1) THEN % -1 = fix color gosub get_val IF(num>=0 & num<=95) THEN ! entree 0-95 IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rect[i], "paint", p_paint_rect_occ ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rect[i], "paint", p_paint_rect_libre ENDIF ELSEIF(num>=100 & num<=247) THEN IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rect[i], "paint", p_paint_rect_aigok ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rect[i], "paint", p_paint_rect_aigko ENDIF ELSEIF(num>=300 & num<=495) THEN IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rect[i], "paint", p_paint_rect_on ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rect[i], "paint", p_paint_rect_off ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i return add_oval: IF(oval_nb = 101) THEN return GR.COLOR 255, r, g, b, 1 %fill GR.OVAL p_oval[oval_nb], x0+xc-xl, y0+yc-yl, x0+xc+xl, y0+yc+yl GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.OVAL p_r, x0+xc-xl, y0+yc-yl, x0+xc+xl, y0+yc+yl num = in %-1 par defaut IF(aigdir<>-1) THEN num=100+aigdir IF(aigdev<>-1) THEN num=200+aigdev IF(u<>-1) THEN num=300+u IF(v<>-1) THEN num=400+v in_oval[oval_nb] = num IF(num<>-1) THEN oval_nb += 1 in = -1 aigdir = -1 aigdev = -1 u = -1 v = -1 return maj_oval: IF(oval_nb=1) THEN return FOR i=1 TO oval_nb-1 num = in_oval[i] IF(num<>-1) THEN % -1 = fix color gosub get_val IF(num>=0 & num<=95) THEN IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_oval[i], "paint", p_paint_oval_occ ELSE GR.MODIFY p_oval[i], "paint", p_paint_oval_libre ENDIF ELSEIF(num>=100 & num<=247) THEN IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_oval[i], "paint", p_paint_oval_aigok ELSE GR.MODIFY p_oval[i], "paint", p_paint_oval_aigko ENDIF ELSEIF(num>=300 & num<=495) THEN IF(val_res) THEN GR.MODIFY p_oval[i], "paint", p_paint_oval_on ELSE GR.MODIFY p_oval[i], "paint", p_paint_oval_off ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i return add_txt: GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_txt, x0+xc, y0+yc+10, txt$ return add_click: IF(xy_cmd_nb=101) THEN return xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = x0+xc-xl xy_cmd_nb += 1 xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = y0+yc-yl xy_cmd_nb += 1 xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = x0+xc+xl xy_cmd_nb += 1 xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = y0+yc+yl xy_cmd_nb += 1 !xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb]=-1 !IF(aigdev<>-1) THEN xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = 200+aigdev !IF(aigdir<>-1) THEN xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = 100+aigdir !IF(aiginv<>-1) THEN xy_cmd[xy_cmd_nb] = aiginv !aiginv=-1 !aigdir=-1 !aigdev=-1 !xy_cmd_nb += 1 list.add action_list, action$ IF(see_click_zone) THEN GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 255, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, x0+xc-xl, y0+yc-yl, x0+xc+xl, y0+yc+yl ENDIF return maj_click: msg_cmd$ = "" l = 1 FOR i=1 TO 1000 STEP 4 IF(i = xy_cmd_nb) THEN return x1 = xy_cmd[i] x2 = xy_cmd[i+2] IF(xclick > x1 & xclick < x2) THEN y1 = xy_cmd[i+1] y2 = xy_cmd[i+3] IF(yclick > y1 & yclick < y2) THEN list.get action_list, l, action$ msg_cmd$ += " " + action$ ENDIF ENDIF l += 1 NEXT i return add_origine: x0 = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,2,",")) y0 = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,3,",")) return add_couleur: r = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,2,",")) g = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,3,",")) b = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,4,",")) return load_x1y1x2y2: x1 = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,2,",")) y1 = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,3,",")) x2 = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,4,",")) y2 = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,5,",")) return load_xcyc: xc = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,2,",")) yc = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,3,",")) return load_xcycxlyl: gosub load_xcyc xl = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,4,",")) yl = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,5,",")) return load_type: type$ = WORD$(line$,6,",") IF(type$ = "") THEN return ELSEIF (type$ = "in") THEN in = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,7,",")) ELSEIF (type$ = "-") | (type$ = "aigdir") THEN aigdir = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,7,",")) ELSEIF (type$ = "/") | (type$ = "aigdev")THEN aigdev = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,7,",")) ELSEIF (type$ = "u") THEN u = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,7,",")) ELSEIF (type$ = "u!") THEN v = MYVAL(WORD$(line$,7,",")) ELSE syntax_error = -1 ENDIF return load_tco: line = 0 syntax_error = 0 FILE.EXISTS status,tco$ IF(status = 0) THEN return TEXT.OPEN r,fn,tco$ IF(fin = -1) THEN return r=0 g=0 b=0 in = -1 aigdir = -1 aigdev = -1 u = -1 v = -1 WHILE(1) TEXT.READLN fn, line$ TEXT.EOF fn,eof IF(eof) THEN W_R.BREAK line += 1 line$ = trim$(line$) keyword$ = WORD$(line$,1,",") IF (keyword$ = "ORIGINE") | (keyword$ = "ORIGIN") THEN gosub add_origine ELSEIF (keyword$ = "COULEUR") | (keyword$ = "COLOR") THEN gosub add_couleur ELSEIF (keyword$ = "LIGNE") | (keyword$ = "LINE") THEN gosub load_x1y1x2y2 gosub load_type gosub add_line ELSEIF (keyword$ = "RECT") THEN gosub load_xcycxlyl gosub load_type gosub add_rect ELSEIF (keyword$ = "OVALE") | (keyword$ = "OVAL") THEN gosub load_xcycxlyl gosub load_type gosub add_oval ELSEIF (keyword$ = "LABEL") THEN gosub load_xcyc txt$ = WORD$(line$,4,",") gosub add_txt ELSEIF (keyword$ = "ACTION") THEN gosub load_xcycxlyl action$ = WORD$(line$,6,",") gosub add_click ELSEIF (keyword$<>"") & (left$(keyword$,1)<>"#") THEN syntax_error = -1 ENDIF IF (syntax_error) THEN ligne$ = str$(line) ligne$ = left$(ligne$,len(ligne$)-2) DIALOG.MESSAGE "Centrale D17/FDCC-2017","Erreur de syntaxe à la ligne "+ligne$+" du TCO "+tco$+": '"+line$+"' keyword '"+keyword$+"'",go,"Annuler" W_R.BREAK ENDIF REPEAT TEXT.CLOSE fn return user_create_tco1: tco$ = "tco1.txt" gosub load_tco return user_create_tco2: tco$ = "tco2.txt" gosub load_tco return user_create_tco3: tco$ = "tco3.txt" gosub load_tco return user_create_tco4: tco$ = "tco4.txt" gosub load_tco return user_create_tco5: tco$ = "tco5.txt" gosub load_tco return tco_setup: ! parametrage du graphique !GR.OPEN 255, 0, 0, 0 ! calcul du zoom a appliquer aux coordonees ! Le programme a ete developpe pour fonctionner en 1024x600 paysage ! Le zoom adapte l'interface aux autres definitions ! en prenant le maximum de place mais sans modifier la geometrie ! orienattion 0=paysage 1=portrait (non conseille: -1=auto 2=paysage_inv 3=portrait_inv) hdev = 552 GR.ORIENTATION 0 GR.SCREEN w , h IF(h > w) THEN PAUSE 1000 %necessaire apres orientation pour laisser le temps a l'ecran de tourner et avoir un w, h correct GR.SCREEN w , h zoom = h/hdev x_m2 = (w/zoom)- 300 GR.SCALE zoom, zoom % !!!!!attention le scale ne joue pas sur le touch GR.TEXT.ALIGN 2 %center GR.TEXT.SIZE hdev / 20 ! creation de quelques pinceaux ! (ne pas faire le stroke apres le fill car c'est fill ou stroke !) GR.COLOR 255, 0, 255, 0, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_green GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_red GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_grey GR.COLOR 255, 240, 240, 0, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_yellow GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 255, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_blue ! colors for line GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill in=1 GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_seg_occ GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill in=0 GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_seg_libre GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill aigok GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_seg_aigok GR.COLOR 255, 192, 192, 192, 1 %fill aigko GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_seg_aigko GR.COLOR 255, 0, 255, 0, 1 %fill u/vok GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_seg_on GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill u/vko GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_seg_off ! colors for rect GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill in=1 GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_rect_occ GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill in=0 GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_rect_libre GR.COLOR 255, 255, 255, 0, 1 %fill aigok GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_rect_aigok GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill aigko GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_rect_aigko GR.COLOR 255, 0, 255, 0, 1 %fill u/vok GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_rect_on GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill u/vko GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_rect_off ! colors for oval GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill in=1 GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_oval_occ GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill in=0 GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_oval_libre GR.COLOR 255, 255, 255, 0, 1 %fill aigok GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_oval_aigok GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill aigko GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_oval_aigko GR.COLOR 255, 0, 255, 0, 1 %fill u/vok GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_oval_on GR.COLOR 255, 64, 64, 64, 1 %fill u/vko GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_oval_off ! Widgets ! rectangle zone de fond du TCO GR.COLOR 255, 91, 155, 213, 1 %fill !GR.COLOR 255, 255, 255, 255, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectfond, 0, 0, 2900, 470 ! rectangle zone des options GR.COLOR 255, 128, 155, 213, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectfond, 0, 470, 2900, 600 ! creation bouton AU b_au_x = 50 b_au_y = 510 b_au_x1 = b_au_x - 30 b_au_x2 = b_au_x + 30 b_au_y1 = b_au_y - 30 b_au_y2 = b_au_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectau, b_au_x1, b_au_y1, b_au_x2, b_au_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_au_x1, b_au_y1, b_au_x2, b_au_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_txtau, b_au_x, b_au_y+10, "AU" GR.MODIFY p_rectau, "paint", p_paint_grey old_au_red = 0 ! creation bouton LOC b_loc_x = 150 b_loc_y = 510 b_loc_x1 = b_loc_x - 30 b_loc_x2 = b_loc_x + 30 b_loc_y1 = b_loc_y - 30 b_loc_y2 = b_loc_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, b_loc_x1, b_loc_y1, b_loc_x2, b_loc_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_loc_x1, b_loc_y1, b_loc_x2, b_loc_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_t, b_loc_x, b_loc_y+10, "LOC" ! creation des boutons des TCOs 1 a 5 b_tco1_x = 250 b_tco1_y = 510 b_tco1_x1 = b_tco1_x - 30 b_tco1_x2 = b_tco1_x + 30 b_tco1_y1 = b_tco1_y - 30 b_tco1_y2 = b_tco1_y + 30 FOR i = 1 TO 5 IF(i=tco_sel) THEN GR.COLOR 255, 0, 255, 0, 1 %fill ELSE GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill ENDIF GR.RECT p_rect_tco[i], b_tco1_x1 + 100 * (i-1), b_tco1_y1, b_tco1_x2 + 100 * (i-1), b_tco1_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_tco1_x1 + 100 * (i-1), b_tco1_y1, b_tco1_x2 + 100 * (i-1), b_tco1_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_t, b_tco1_x + 100 * (i-1), b_tco1_y+10, "TC" + left$(str$(i),1) NEXT i ! creation bouton MSG b_msg_x = 750 b_msg_y = 510 b_msg_x1 = b_msg_x - 30 b_msg_x2 = b_msg_x + 30 b_msg_y1 = b_msg_y - 30 b_msg_y2 = b_msg_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, b_msg_x1, b_msg_y1, b_msg_x2, b_msg_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_msg_x1, b_msg_y1, b_msg_x2, b_msg_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_t, b_msg_x, b_msg_y+10, "MSG" ! creation bouton SCRIPT b_scr_x = 850 b_scr_y = 510 b_scr_x1 = b_scr_x - 30 b_scr_x2 = b_scr_x + 30 b_scr_y1 = b_scr_y - 30 b_scr_y2 = b_scr_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectscr, b_scr_x1, b_scr_y1, b_scr_x2, b_scr_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_scr_x1, b_scr_y1, b_scr_x2, b_scr_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_t, b_scr_x, b_scr_y+10, "SCR" old_script_green = 0 return tco_touch: old_touched = touched GR.TOUCH touched, tx, ty %attention xscale ne marche pas sur Touch tx = tx/zoom ty = ty/zoom ! APPUI FRONT IF(old_touched = 0 & touched = 1) THEN ! Gestion du bouton AU IF(tx >= b_au_x1 & tx <= b_au_x2 & ty > b_au_y1 & ty < b_au_y2) THEN IF(au) THEN au_msg$ = "au0" ELSE au_msg$ = "au1" IF(use_net = 0) THEN au = BXOR(au, 1) ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton MSG IF(tx > b_msg_x1 & tx < b_msg_x2 & ty > b_msg_y1 & ty < b_msg_y2 ) THEN !GR.FRONT 0 input "cmd? l/c/p0-127+-^ o0-47+-^=0-100 s0-47+-^=50-250 a0-47+-/^ x1-511.0-7+-^", s$, "", cancelled IF (cancelled = 0) THEN user_cmd$ = s$ !GR.FRONT 1 ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton SCR IF(tx > b_scr_x1 & tx < b_scr_x2 & ty > b_scr_y1 & ty < b_scr_y2 ) THEN IF(script_on = 0) THEN gosub script_start ELSE gosub script_stop ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton LOC IF(tx > b_loc_x1 & tx < b_loc_x2 & ty > b_loc_y1 & ty < b_loc_y2 ) THEN mode = LOC ENDIF ! un des boutons de selection d'un TCO IF(tx > b_tco1_x1 & tx < b_tco1_x2 + 400 & ty > b_tco1_y1 & ty < b_tco1_y2 ) THEN IF(tx > b_tco1_x1 & tx < b_tco1_x2 ) THEN tco_sel = 1 IF(tx > b_tco1_x1+100 & tx < b_tco1_x2+100) THEN tco_sel = 2 IF(tx > b_tco1_x1+200 & tx < b_tco1_x2+200) THEN tco_sel = 3 IF(tx > b_tco1_x1+300 & tx < b_tco1_x2+300) THEN tco_sel = 4 IF(tx > b_tco1_x1+400 & tx < b_tco1_x2+400) THEN tco_sel = 5 ENDIF ! Gestion appuies sur l'ecran du TCO xclick = tx yclick = ty gosub maj_click ENDIF ! clignotement du bouton AU IF(au = 1 & cpt < 4) THEN au_red = 1 ELSE au_red = 0 ENDIF IF(au_red <> old_au_red) THEN old_au_red = au_red IF(au_red = 1) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectau, "paint", p_paint_red ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rectau, "paint", p_paint_grey ENDIF ENDIF script_green = script_on IF(script_green <> old_script_green) THEN old_script_green = script_green IF(script_green) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectscr, "paint", p_paint_green ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rectscr, "paint", p_paint_grey ENDIF ENDIF return tco_tx: IF(use_net = 0) THEN return GOSUB all_rx_process_status msg$ = "" IF(au_msg$ <> "") THEN msg$ += au_msg$ IF(msg_cmd$ <> "") THEN msg$ += msg_cmd$ IF(user_cmd$ <> "") THEN msg$ += user_cmd$ gosub update_ok_to_tx IF(ok_to_tx) THEN msg$ += "?" IF(msg$ <> "") THEN SOCKET.CLIENT.WRITE.LINE msg$ au_msg$ = "" msg_cmd$ = "" user_cmd$ = "" return !***************** ! SOURIS !***************** !***************** CREATION DE L'INTERFACE GRAPHIQUE ************************ loc_setup: ! parametrage du graphique !GR.OPEN 255, 0, 0, 0 ! calcul du zoom a appliquer aux coordonees ! Le programme a ete developpe pour fonctionner en 1024x600 paysage ! Le zoom adapte l'interface aux autres definitions ! en prenant le maximum de place mais sans modifier la geometrie ! orienattion 0=paysage 1=portrait (non conseille: -1=auto 2=paysage_inv 3=portrait_inv) hdev = 552 GR.ORIENTATION 0 GR.SCREEN w , h IF(h > w) THEN PAUSE 1000 %necessaire apres orientation pour laisser le temps a l'ecran de tourner et avoir un w, h correct GR.SCREEN w , h zoom = h/hdev x_m2 = (w/zoom)- 300 GR.SCALE zoom, zoom % !!!!!attention le scale ne joue pas sur le touch GR.TEXT.ALIGN 2 %center GR.TEXT.SIZE hdev / 20 ! creation de quelques pinceaux ! (ne pas faire le stroke apres le fill car c'est fill ou stroke !) GR.COLOR 255, 0, 255, 0, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_green GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_red GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_grey GR.COLOR 255, 240, 240, 0, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_yellow GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 255, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_blue GR.COLOR 255, 255, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_sens_0 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 255, 1 %fill GR.PAINT.GET p_paint_sens_1 ! Widgets ! rectangle zone de fond (POT et FCT) GR.COLOR 255, 91, 155, 213, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectfond, 0, 0, 2900, 470 ! rectangle zone des options GR.COLOR 255, 128, 155, 213, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectfond, 0, 470, 2900, 600 ! rectangle zone des sorties GR.COLOR 255, 81, 135, 183, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectfond, 290, 0, x_m2, 470 ! creation label dcc adr GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW m1_p_txtdccadr, 200, 35, "$" + m1_dcc_adr$ GR.TEXT.DRAW m2_p_txtdccadr, x_m2+200, 35, "$" + m2_dcc_adr$ ! creation label cran GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW m1_p_txtvit, 70, 35, "+0%" GR.TEXT.DRAW m2_p_txtvit, x_m2+70, 35, "+0%" ! creation potentiometre ! glissiere pot_x = 70 pot_y = 350 pot_h = 280 GR.COLOR 255, 192,192, 192, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, pot_x - 20, pot_y - pot_h, pot_x + 20, pot_y GR.RECT p_r, x_m2 + pot_x - 20, pot_y - pot_h, x_m2 + pot_x + 20, pot_y GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, pot_x - 20, pot_y - pot_h, pot_x + 20, pot_y GR.RECT p_r, x_m2 + pot_x - 20, pot_y - pot_h, x_m2 + pot_x + 20, pot_y ! cursor GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectcursor, pot_x - 50, pot_y - 10, pot_x + 50, pot_y + 10 GR.RECT m2_p_rectcursor, x_m2 + pot_x - 50, pot_y - 10, x_m2 + pot_x + 50, pot_y + 10 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_rcursor, pot_x - 50, pot_y - 10, pot_x + 50, pot_y + 10 GR.RECT m2_p_rcursor, x_m2 + pot_x - 50, pot_y - 10, x_m2 + pot_x + 50, pot_y + 10 ! creation indicateur de courant cur_x = 320 cur_y = 460 cur_h = 410 ! label GR.TEXT.DRAW p_txtcur, cur_x, 35, can$ + "%" ! glissiere GR.COLOR 255, 192,192, 192, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, cur_x - 10, cur_y - cur_h, cur_x + 10, cur_y GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, cur_x - 10, cur_y - cur_h, cur_x + 10, cur_y ! cursor GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectcur, cur_x - 10, cur_y, cur_x + 10, cur_y GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_rcur, cur_x - 10, cur_y, cur_x + 10, cur_y ! creation bouton sens b_sens_x = 70 b_sens_y = 430 b_sens_x1 = b_sens_x - 30 b_sens_x2 = b_sens_x + 30 b_sens_y1 = b_sens_y - 30 b_sens_y2 = b_sens_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 255, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectsens, b_sens_x1, b_sens_y1, b_sens_x2, b_sens_y2 GR.RECT m2_p_rectsens, x_m2 + b_sens_x1, b_sens_y1, x_m2 + b_sens_x2, b_sens_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_sens_x1, b_sens_y1, b_sens_x2, b_sens_y2 GR.RECT p_r, x_m2 + b_sens_x1, b_sens_y1, x_m2 + b_sens_x2, b_sens_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_txtsens, b_sens_x, b_sens_y+10, "+" GR.TEXT.DRAW m2_p_txtsens, x_m2 + b_sens_x, b_sens_y+10, "+" ! creation bouton AU b_au_x = 50 b_au_y = 510 b_au_x1 = b_au_x - 30 b_au_x2 = b_au_x + 30 b_au_y1 = b_au_y - 30 b_au_y2 = b_au_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectau, b_au_x1, b_au_y1, b_au_x2, b_au_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_au_x1, b_au_y1, b_au_x2, b_au_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_txtau, b_au_x, b_au_y+10, "AU" GR.MODIFY p_rectau, "paint", p_paint_grey old_au_red = 0 ! creation bouton adr1 m1_b_adr_x = 150 m1_b_adr_y = 510 m1_b_adr_x1 = m1_b_adr_x - 30 m1_b_adr_x2 = m1_b_adr_x + 30 m1_b_adr_y1 = m1_b_adr_y - 30 m1_b_adr_y2 = m1_b_adr_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, m1_b_adr_x1, m1_b_adr_y1, m1_b_adr_x2, m1_b_adr_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, m1_b_adr_x1, m1_b_adr_y1, m1_b_adr_x2, m1_b_adr_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, m1_b_adr_x, m1_b_adr_y+10, "adr" ! creation bouton acc1 m1_b_acc_x = 250 m1_b_acc_y = 510 m1_b_acc_x1 = m1_b_acc_x - 30 m1_b_acc_x2 = m1_b_acc_x + 30 m1_b_acc_y1 = m1_b_acc_y - 30 m1_b_acc_y2 = m1_b_acc_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT m1_p_rectacc, m1_b_acc_x1, m1_b_acc_y1, m1_b_acc_x2, m1_b_acc_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, m1_b_acc_x1, m1_b_acc_y1, m1_b_acc_x2, m1_b_acc_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, m1_b_acc_x, m1_b_acc_y+10, "acc" ! creation bouton prog b_prog_x = 350 b_prog_y = 510 b_prog_x1 = b_prog_x - 30 b_prog_x2 = b_prog_x + 30 b_prog_y1 = b_prog_y - 30 b_prog_y2 = b_prog_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectprog, b_prog_x1, b_prog_y1, b_prog_x2, b_prog_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_prog_x1, b_prog_y1, b_prog_x2, b_prog_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_txtprog, b_prog_x, b_prog_y+10, "prg" ! creation bouton TCO b_tco_x = 450 b_tco_y = 510 b_tco_x1 = b_tco_x - 30 b_tco_x2 = b_tco_x + 30 b_tco_y1 = b_tco_y - 30 b_tco_y2 = b_tco_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, b_tco_x1, b_tco_y1, b_tco_x2, b_tco_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_tco_x1, b_tco_y1, b_tco_x2, b_tco_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_t, b_tco_x, b_tco_y+10, "TCO" ! creation bouton UM b_um_x = x_m2+50 b_um_y = 510 b_um_x1 = b_um_x - 30 b_um_x2 = b_um_x + 30 b_um_y1 = b_um_y - 30 b_um_y2 = b_um_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectum, b_um_x1, b_um_y1, b_um_x2, b_um_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_um_x1, b_um_y1, b_um_x2, b_um_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_t, b_um_x, b_um_y+10, "UM" ! creation bouton adr2 m2_b_adr_x = x_m2 + 150 m2_b_adr_y = 510 m2_b_adr_x1 = m2_b_adr_x - 30 m2_b_adr_x2 = m2_b_adr_x + 30 m2_b_adr_y1 = m2_b_adr_y - 30 m2_b_adr_y2 = m2_b_adr_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_r, m2_b_adr_x1, m2_b_adr_y1, m2_b_adr_x2, m2_b_adr_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, m2_b_adr_x1, m2_b_adr_y1, m2_b_adr_x2, m2_b_adr_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, m2_b_adr_x, m2_b_adr_y+10, "adr" ! creation bouton acc2 m2_b_acc_x = x_m2 + 250 m2_b_acc_y = 510 m2_b_acc_x1 = m2_b_acc_x - 30 m2_b_acc_x2 = m2_b_acc_x + 30 m2_b_acc_y1 = m2_b_acc_y - 30 m2_b_acc_y2 = m2_b_acc_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT m2_p_rectacc, m2_b_acc_x1, m2_b_acc_y1, m2_b_acc_x2, m2_b_acc_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, m2_b_acc_x1, m2_b_acc_y1, m2_b_acc_x2, m2_b_acc_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, m2_b_acc_x, m2_b_acc_y+10, "acc" ! creation bouton fct ! F0 b_f0_x = 170 b_f0_y = 80 b_f0_x1 = b_f0_x - 30 b_f0_x2 = b_f0_x + 30 b_f0_y1 = b_f0_y - 30 b_f0_y2 = b_f0_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectf0, b_f0_x1, b_f0_y1, b_f0_x2, b_f0_y2 GR.RECT m2_p_rectf0, x_m2 + b_f0_x1, b_f0_y1, x_m2 + b_f0_x2, b_f0_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_f0_x1, b_f0_y1, b_f0_x2, b_f0_y2 GR.RECT p_r, x_m2 + b_f0_x1, b_f0_y1, x_m2 + b_f0_x2, b_f0_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, b_f0_x, b_f0_y+10, "F0" GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, x_m2 + b_f0_x, b_f0_y+10, "F0" ! F> b_fn_x = 170+70 b_fn_y = 80 b_fn_x1 = b_fn_x - 30 b_fn_x2 = b_fn_x + 30 b_fn_y1 = b_fn_y - 30 b_fn_y2 = b_fn_y + 30 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT p_rectfn, b_fn_x1, b_fn_y1, b_fn_x2, b_fn_y2 GR.RECT m2_p_rectfn, x_m2 + b_fn_x1, b_fn_y1, x_m2 + b_fn_x2, b_fn_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_fn_x1, b_fn_y1, b_fn_x2, b_fn_y2 GR.RECT p_r, x_m2 + b_fn_x1, b_fn_y1, x_m2 + b_fn_x2, b_fn_y2 GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, b_fn_x, b_fn_y+10, "F>" GR.TEXT.DRAW p_r, x_m2 + b_fn_x, b_fn_y+10, "F>" ! F1--F10 qui serviront aussi a F11--F20 F21--F30 (F29 & F30 ne sont pas utilises) b_f_x = 170 b_f_y = 150 b_f_dy = 70 b_f_dx = 70 b_f_x1 = b_f_x - 30 b_f_x2 = b_f_x + 30 b_f_y1 = b_f_y - 30 b_f_y2 = b_f_y + 30 FOR j = 1 TO 2 FOR i = 1 TO 5 ind = i+5*(j-1) %1-10 GR.COLOR 255, 136, 136, 136, 1 %fill GR.RECT m1_p_rectfct[ind], b_f_x1 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y1 + b_f_dy * (i-1), b_f_x2 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y2 + b_f_dy * (i-1) GR.RECT m2_p_rectfct[ind], x_m2 + b_f_x1 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y1 + b_f_dy * (i-1), x_m2 + b_f_x2 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y2 + b_f_dy * (i-1) GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 %border GR.RECT p_r, b_f_x1 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y1 + b_f_dy * (i-1), b_f_x2 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y2 + b_f_dy * (i-1) GR.RECT p_r, x_m2 + b_f_x1 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y1 + b_f_dy * (i-1), x_m2 + b_f_x2 + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y2 + b_f_dy * (i-1) GR.COLOR 255, 0, 0, 0, 1 %fill s$ = "F" GR.TEXT.DRAW m1_p_txtfct[ind], b_f_x + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y + b_f_dy * (i-1) + 10, s$ GR.TEXT.DRAW m2_p_txtfct[ind], x_m2 + b_f_x + b_f_dx * (j-1), b_f_y + b_f_dy * (i-1) + 10, s$ m1_update_fct = 1 %le nom des fonctions sera mise a jour dans la boucle m2_update_fct = 1 %le nom des fonctions sera mise a jour dans la boucle NEXT i NEXT j ! creation ovals de debug click IF(dbg_touch) THEN GR.COLOR 255, 255, 255, 255, 1 %fill GR.OVAL p_ovalclick1, -100, -100, -100, -100 GR.COLOR 255, 255, 0, 255, 1 %fill GR.OVAL p_ovalclick2, -100, -100, -100, -100 ENDIF GR.RENDER %toujours faire render, car RECT ... dessinent en memoire cpt = 0 cpt2 = 0 m1_redraw_pot = 1 m2_redraw_pot = 1 m1_redraw_sens = 1 m2_redraw_sens = 1 first_aff = 1 return !***************** MISE A JOUR L'INTERFACE GRAPHIQUE ************************ loc_touch: old_touched = touched old_touched2 = touched2 GR.TOUCH touched, tx, ty %attention xscale ne marche pas sur Touch GR.TOUCH2 touched2, tx2, ty2 %touch2 detecte un eventuel 2eme doigt pratique pour les 2 potentiometres tx = tx/zoom ty = ty/zoom tx2 = tx2/zoom ty2 = ty2/zoom touch_n = 1 IF(dbg_touch) THEN IF(touched) THEN GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick1, "top" , ty-20 GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick1, "bottom", ty+20 GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick1, "left" , tx-20 GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick1, "right" , tx+20 ENDIF IF(touched2) THEN GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick2, "top" , ty2-20 GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick2, "bottom", ty2+20 GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick2, "left" , tx2-20 GR.MODIFY p_ovalclick2, "right" , tx2+20 ENDIF ENDIF l_touch: ! APPUI CONSTANT IF(touched) THEN !d_u.continue ! Gestion du potentiometre 1 IF(tx >= (pot_x - 50) & tx <= (pot_x + 50) & ty < (pot_y+20)) THEN m1_vit = v_range * (pot_y - ty) / pot_h m1_redraw_pot = 1 IF(um) THEN m2_vit = m1_vit m2_redraw_pot = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du potentiometre 2 IF(tx >= x_m2 + (pot_x - 50) & tx <= x_m2 + (pot_x + 50) & ty < (pot_y+20)) THEN m2_vit = v_range * (pot_y - ty) / pot_h m2_redraw_pot = 1 IF(um) THEN m1_vit = m2_vit m1_redraw_pot = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF IF(m1_use_acc) THEN !Read the acclerometer (en g) SENSORS.READ 1,acc_y,acc_x,acc_z !PRINT "x=" + str$(acc_x) + " y=" + str$(acc_y) + str$(acc_z) IF(orientation = 0) THEN acc = acc_y IF(orientation = 1) THEN acc = acc_x IF(m1_inv_acc) THEN acc = -acc IF(acc<-1) THEN m1_sens = 0 IF(acc>1) THEN m1_sens = 1 IF(m1_old_sens <> m1_sens) THEN m1_redraw_sens = 1 IF(acc<0) THEN acc=-acc IF(acc<2) THEN m1_vit=0 IF(acc>7) THEN m1_vit=v_range IF((acc>=2) & (acc<=7)) THEN m1_vit = (v_range * (acc-2)) / 5.0 IF(m1_old_vit<>m1_vit) THEN m1_redraw_pot = 1 ENDIF ! ACC 2 -7>-2 STOP 2->7 IF(m2_use_acc) THEN !Read the acclerometer (en g) SENSORS.READ 1,acc_y,acc_x,acc_z !PRINT "x=" + str$(acc_x) + " y=" + str$(acc_y) + str$(acc_z) IF(orientation = 0) THEN acc = acc_y IF(orientation = 1) THEN acc = acc_x IF(m2_inv_acc) THEN acc = -acc IF(acc<-1) THEN m2_sens = 0 IF(acc>1) THEN m2_sens = 1 IF(m2_old_sens <> m2_sens) THEN m2_redraw_sens = 1 IF(acc<0) THEN acc=-acc IF(acc<2) THEN m2_vit=0 IF(acc>7) THEN m2_vit=v_range IF((acc>=2) & (acc<=7)) THEN m2_vit = (v_range * (acc-2)) / 5.0 IF(m2_old_vit<>m2_vit) THEN m2_redraw_pot = 1 ENDIF ! APPUI FRONT IF(old_touched = 0 & touched = 1) THEN ! Gestion du bouton sens IF(tx >= b_sens_x1 & tx <= b_sens_x2 & ty > b_sens_y1 & ty < b_sens_y2) THEN m1_sens = BXOR(m1_sens, 1) m1_redraw_sens = 1 IF(um) THEN m2_sens = BXOR(m2_sens, 1) m2_redraw_sens = 1 ENDIF IF(m1_use_acc) THEN m1_inv_acc = BXOR(m1_inv_acc, 1) ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton sens IF(tx >= x_m2 + b_sens_x1 & tx <= x_m2 + b_sens_x2 & ty > b_sens_y1 & ty < b_sens_y2) THEN m2_sens = BXOR(m2_sens, 1) m2_redraw_sens = 1 IF(um) THEN m1_sens = BXOR(m1_sens, 1) m1_redraw_sens = 1 ENDIF IF(m2_use_acc) THEN m2_inv_acc = BXOR(m2_inv_acc, 1) ENDIF ! Gestion des boutons des fonctions souris 1 ! F0 IF(tx > b_f0_x1 & tx < b_f0_x2 & ty > b_f0_y1 & ty < b_f0_y2 ) THEN m1_fct0 = BXOR(m1_fct0, 1) IF(m1_fct0 = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_yellow ENDIF ENDIF ! F1-F28 IF(tx > b_f_x1 & tx < b_f_x2 + 70 & ty > b_f_y1 & ty < b_f_y2 + 4 * 70) THEN IF(tx > b_f_x2 + 5) THEN col = 1 ELSE col = 0 lgn = 0 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 5 ) THEN lgn = 1 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 75 ) THEN lgn = 2 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 145) THEN lgn = 3 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 215) THEN lgn = 4 num = m1_fbase + 5 * col + lgn + 1 IF(num<=28) THEN m1_fct[num] = BXOR(m1_fct[num], 1) m1_update_fct = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! F> IF(tx > b_fn_x1 & tx < b_fn_x2 & ty > b_fn_y1 & ty < b_fn_y2 ) THEN m1_fbase += 10 IF(m1_fbase = 30) THEN m1_fbase = 0 % 0,10,20 m1_update_fct = 1 ENDIF ! Gestion des boutons des fonctions souris 2 ! F0 IF(tx > x_m2 + b_f0_x1 & tx < x_m2 + b_f0_x2 & ty > b_f0_y1 & ty < b_f0_y2 ) THEN m2_fct0 = BXOR(m2_fct0, 1) IF(m2_fct0 = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_yellow ENDIF ENDIF ! F1-F28 IF(tx > x_m2 + b_f_x1 & tx < x_m2 + b_f_x2 + 70 & ty > b_f_y1 & ty < b_f_y2 + 4 * 70) THEN IF(tx > x_m2 + b_f_x2 + 5) THEN col = 1 ELSE col = 0 lgn = 0 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 5 ) THEN lgn = 1 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 75 ) THEN lgn = 2 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 145) THEN lgn = 3 IF(ty > b_f_y2 + 215) THEN lgn = 4 num = m2_fbase + 5 * col + lgn + 1 IF(num<=28) THEN m2_fct[num] = BXOR(m2_fct[num], 1) m2_update_fct = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! F> IF(tx > x_m2 + b_fn_x1 & tx < x_m2 + b_fn_x2 & ty > b_fn_y1 & ty < b_fn_y2 ) THEN m2_fbase += 10 IF(m2_fbase = 30) THEN m2_fbase = 0 % 0,10,20 m2_update_fct = 1 ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton AU IF(tx >= b_au_x1 & tx <= b_au_x2 & ty > b_au_y1 & ty < b_au_y2) THEN IF(au) THEN au_msg$ = "au0" ELSE au_msg$ = "au1" IF(use_net = 0) THEN au = BXOR(au, 1) ENDIF ! Gestion du changement d'adresse de locomotive 1 IF(tx >= m1_b_adr_x1 & tx <= m1_b_adr_x2 & ty > m1_b_adr_y1 & ty < m1_b_adr_y2) THEN old_adr = m1_dcc_adr DO INPUT "Loco ?", m1_dcc_adr_ret$, m1_dcc_adr$, cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK m1_dcc_adr$ = m1_dcc_adr_ret$ m1_dcc_adr = val(m1_dcc_adr$) UNTIL(m1_dcc_adr >= 0 & m1_dcc_adr <= 99) IF(cancelled = 0) THEN IF(old_adr = 1 & m1_dcc_adr <> 1 & m2_dcc_adr <> 1) THEN INPUT "ATTENTION, PASSAGE DE L'ANALOGIQUE AU DCC. RETIRER LA LOCO ANALOGIQUE !", s$, "OK" ENDIF IF(old_adr <> 1 & m1_dcc_adr = 1 & m2_dcc_adr <> 1) THEN INPUT "ATTENTION, PASSAGE DU DCC A L'ANALOGIQUE !", s$, "OK" ENDIF GR.MODIFY m1_p_txtdccadr, "text", "$" + m1_dcc_adr$ ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du changement d'adresse de locomotive 2 IF(tx >= m2_b_adr_x1 & tx <= m2_b_adr_x2 & ty > m2_b_adr_y1 & ty < m2_b_adr_y2) THEN old_adr = m2_dcc_adr !GR.FRONT 0 DO INPUT "Loco ?", m2_dcc_adr_ret$, m2_dcc_adr$, cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK m2_dcc_adr$ = m2_dcc_adr_ret$ m2_dcc_adr = val(m2_dcc_adr$) UNTIL(m2_dcc_adr >= 0 & m2_dcc_adr <= 99) IF(cancelled = 0) THEN IF(old_adr = 1 & m2_dcc_adr <> 1 & m1_dcc_adr <> 1) THEN INPUT "ATTENTION, PASSAGE DE L'ANALOGIQUE AU DCC. RETIRER LA LOCO ANALOGIQUE !", s$, "OK" ENDIF IF(old_adr <> 1 & m2_dcc_adr = 1 & m1_dcc_adr <> 1) THEN INPUT "ATTENTION, PASSAGE DU DCC A L'ANALOGIQUE !", s$, "OK" ENDIF GR.MODIFY m2_p_txtdccadr, "text", "$" + m2_dcc_adr$ ENDIF !GR.FRONT 1 ENDIF ! Gestion de la programation des decodeurs (click en haut a droite) IF(tx >= b_prog_x1 & tx <= b_prog_x2 & ty > b_prog_y1 & ty < b_prog_y2) THEN IF(dcc_prog_on) THEN !GR.FRONT 0 !PRINT "ATTENTION TOUTES LES LOCOS ALIMENTEES SERONT PROGRAMEES !" DO DO INPUT "ATTENTION TOUTES LES LOCOS ALIMENTEES SERONT PROGRAMEES ! PROG CODE 0-9999 ?", s$, "1234", cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK cv_code = val(s$) UNTIL(cv_code >= 0 & cv_code <= 9999) IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK IF(cv_code >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 ELSE n = 1 IF(cv_code >= 100.0) THEN n = 3 IF(cv_code >= 1000.0) THEN n = 4 IF(n = 4) THEN cv_code$ = "" IF(n = 3) THEN cv_code$ = "0" IF(n = 2) THEN cv_code$ = "00" IF(n = 1) THEN cv_code$ = "000" cv_code$ = cv_code$ + left$(str$(cv_code), n) DO INPUT "CV ADR 1-1024 ?", s$, "1", cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK cv_adr = val(s$) UNTIL(cv_adr >= 1 & cv_adr <= 1024) IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK IF(cv_adr >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 ELSE n = 1 IF(cv_adr >= 100.0) THEN n = 3 IF(cv_adr >= 1000.0) THEN n = 4 IF(n = 4) THEN cv_adr$ = "" IF(n = 3) THEN cv_adr$ = "0" IF(n = 2) THEN cv_adr$ = "00" IF(n = 1) THEN cv_adr$ = "000" cv_adr$ = cv_adr$ + left$(str$(cv_adr), n) DO INPUT "CV DAT 0-255 ?", s$, "3", cancelled IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK cv_dat = val(s$) UNTIL(cv_dat >= 0 & cv_dat <= 255) IF (cancelled) THEN D_U.BREAK IF(cv_dat >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 ELSE n = 1 IF(cv_dat >= 100.0) THEN n = 3 IF(n = 3) THEN cv_dat$ = "0" IF(n = 2) THEN cv_dat$ = "00" IF(n = 1) THEN cv_dat$ = "000" cv_dat$ = cv_dat$ + left$(str$(cv_dat), n) cmess_prog$ = "cva" + cv_adr$ + " cvd" + cv_dat$ + " cvp" + cv_code$ PRINT cmess_prog$ IF(use_net) THEN SOCKET.CLIENT.WRITE.LINE cmess_prog$ UNTIL(1) !GR.FRONT 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton acc1 IF(tx >= m1_b_acc_x1 & tx <= m1_b_acc_x2 & ty > m1_b_acc_y1 & ty < m1_b_acc_y2 & um = 0) THEN m1_use_acc = BXOR(m1_use_acc, 1) IF(m1_use_acc = 0) THEN !SENSORS.CLOSE 1 GR.MODIFY m1_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE IF(acc_open = 0) THEN SENSORS.OPEN 1 acc_open = 1 ENDIF GR.MODIFY m1_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_green ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton acc2 IF(tx >= m2_b_acc_x1 & tx <= m2_b_acc_x2 & ty > m2_b_acc_y1 & ty < m2_b_acc_y2 & um = 0) THEN m2_use_acc = BXOR(m2_use_acc, 1) IF(m2_use_acc = 0) THEN !SENSORS.CLOSE 1 GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE IF(acc_open = 0) THEN SENSORS.OPEN 1 acc_open = 1 ENDIF GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_green ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton UM IF(tx > b_um_x1 & tx < b_um_x2 & ty > b_um_y1 & ty < b_um_y2 & m1_use_acc = 0 & m2_use_acc = 0) THEN um = BXOR(um, 1) IF(um = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectum, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rectum, "paint", p_paint_green m2_vit = m1_vit m2_redraw_pot = 1 ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion du bouton TCO IF(tx > b_tco_x1 & tx < b_tco_x2 & ty > b_tco_y1 & ty < b_tco_y2 ) THEN mode = TCO ENDIF ENDIF ! on refait un tour pour le multi touch IF(use_multitouch) THEN IF(touch_n = 1) THEN touch_n += 1 tx = tx2 ty = ty2 t = touched touched = touched2 touched2 = t t = old_touched old_touched = old_touched2 old_touched2 = t goto l_touch ENDIF t = touched touched = touched2 touched2 = t t = old_touched old_touched = old_touched2 old_touched2 = t ENDIF IF(m1_redraw_pot) THEN m1_redraw_pot = 0 IF(m1_vit < 0 ) THEN m1_vit=0 IF(m1_vit > v_range) THEN m1_vit=v_range IF(m1_vit >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 else n = 1 IF(m1_vit >= 100.0) THEN n = 3 m1_vit$ = left$(str$(m1_vit), n) IF(m1_vit = 0) THEN m1_vit$ = "0" y = pot_y - pot_h * m1_vit / v_range yh = (y - 10) yl = (y + 10) GR.MODIFY p_rectcursor, "top" , yh GR.MODIFY p_rectcursor, "bottom", yl GR.MODIFY p_rcursor , "top" , yh GR.MODIFY p_rcursor , "bottom", yl IF(m1_sens = 1) THEN vvit$ = "+" ELSE vvit$ = "-" vvit$ += m1_vit$ + "%" GR.MODIFY m1_p_txtvit , "text" , vvit$ ENDIF IF(m2_redraw_pot) THEN m2_redraw_pot = 0 IF(m2_vit < 0 ) THEN m2_vit=0 IF(m2_vit > v_range) THEN m2_vit=v_range IF(m2_vit >= 10.0) THEN n = 2 else n = 1 IF(m2_vit >= 100.0) THEN n = 3 m2_vit$ = left$(str$(m2_vit), n) IF(m2_vit = 0) THEN m2_vit$ = "0" y = pot_y - pot_h * m2_vit / v_range yh = (y - 10) yl = (y + 10) GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectcursor, "top" , yh GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectcursor, "bottom", yl GR.MODIFY m2_p_rcursor , "top" , yh GR.MODIFY m2_p_rcursor , "bottom", yl IF(m2_sens = 1) THEN vvit$ = "+" ELSE vvit$ = "-" vvit$ += m2_vit$ + "%" GR.MODIFY m2_p_txtvit , "text" , vvit$ ENDIF IF(m1_redraw_sens) THEN m1_redraw_sens = 0 IF(m1_sens = 1) THEN sens$ = "+" GR.MODIFY p_rectsens, "paint", p_paint_sens_1 ELSE sens$ = "-" GR.MODIFY p_rectsens, "paint", p_paint_sens_0 ENDIF GR.MODIFY p_txtsens, "text", sens$ IF(m1_sens = 1) THEN vvit$ = "+" ELSE vvit$ = "-" vvit$ += m1_vit$ + "%" GR.MODIFY m1_p_txtvit, "text" , vvit$ ENDIF IF(m2_redraw_sens) THEN m2_redraw_sens = 0 IF(m2_sens = 1) THEN sens$ = "+" GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectsens, "paint", p_paint_sens_1 ELSE sens$ = "-" GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectsens, "paint", p_paint_sens_0 ENDIF GR.MODIFY m2_p_txtsens, "text", sens$ IF(m2_sens = 1) THEN vvit$ = "+" ELSE vvit$ = "-" vvit$ += m2_vit$ + "%" GR.MODIFY m2_p_txtvit, "text" , vvit$ ENDIF cur_redraw = 1 IF(cur_redraw) THEN y = cur_y - cur_h * can / 99 GR.MODIFY p_rectcur, "top", y GR.MODIFY p_rcur, "top", y GR.MODIFY p_txtcur, "text", can$ + "%" ENDIF m1_old_vit = m1_vit m2_old_vit = m2_vit m1_old_sens = m1_sens m2_old_sens = m2_sens ! clignotement du bouton AU IF(au = 1 & cpt < 5) THEN au_red = 1 ELSE au_red = 0 ENDIF IF(au_red <> old_au_red) THEN old_au_red = au_red IF(au_red = 1) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectau, "paint", p_paint_red ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rectau, "paint", p_paint_grey ENDIF ENDIF ! Gestion de l'affichage des boutons des fonctions 1 ! en dehors du click pour pouvoir etre utilise par l'init IF(m1_update_fct) THEN m1_update_fct = 0 IF(m1_fct0 = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_yellow ENDIF FOR i = 1 to 10 num = m1_fbase + i % 1..10, 11..20, 21..30 IF(num>=10) THEN s$ = "F" + left$(str$(num),2) ELSE s$ = "F" + left$(str$(num),1) IF(num>=29 & num<=30) THEN s$="" GR.MODIFY m1_p_txtfct[i], "text", s$ IF(m1_fct[num] = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY m1_p_rectfct[i], "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY m1_p_rectfct[i], "paint", p_paint_yellow ENDIF NEXT i ENDIF ! Gestion de l'affichage des boutons des fonctions 2 ! en dehors du click pour pouvoir etre utilise par l'init IF(m2_update_fct) THEN m2_update_fct = 0 IF(m2_fct0 = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectf0, "paint", p_paint_yellow ENDIF FOR i = 1 to 10 num = m2_fbase + i % 1..10, 11..20, 21..30 IF(num>=10) THEN s$ = "F" + left$(str$(num),2) ELSE s$ = "F" + left$(str$(num),1) IF(num>=29 & num<=30) THEN s$="" GR.MODIFY m2_p_txtfct[i], "text", s$ IF(m2_fct[num] = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectfct[i], "paint", p_paint_grey ELSE GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectfct[i], "paint", p_paint_yellow ENDIF NEXT i ENDIF IF(first_aff) THEN first_aff = 0 IF(m1_use_acc = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY m1_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_grey IF(m1_use_acc = 1) THEN GR.MODIFY m1_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_green IF(m2_use_acc = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_grey IF(m2_use_acc = 1) THEN GR.MODIFY m2_p_rectacc, "paint", p_paint_green IF(um = 0) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectum, "paint", p_paint_grey IF(um = 1) THEN GR.MODIFY p_rectum, "paint", p_paint_green ENDIF return !***************** TRANSMISSION DE LA COMMANDE ************************ loc_tx: !ex de cmd: cmess$ = "a3 au0 s+ v25 f0+f1-f2-f3-f4-f5-f6-f7-f8- o5-" !toutes les fct d'une page sont transmises, seulement les sorties qui changent sont transmises m1_cmess$ = "a" + m1_dcc_adr$ + " v" + m1_vit$ IF(m1_sens = 1) THEN m1_cmess$ += " s+" ELSE m1_cmess$ += " s-" ENDIF m1_cmess$ += " f0" IF(m1_fct0 = 0) THEN m1_cmess$ += "-" ELSE m1_cmess$ += "+" ENDIF FOR i = 1 TO 10 % envoie seulement la base active num = m1_fbase + i % 1..10,11..20,21..28 IF(num<=28) THEN IF(i = 1) THEN %optimisation f1+f2-f3+f4+f5+f6+f7-f8-f9-f10+ --> f1+-++++---+ IF(num>=10) THEN m1_cmess$ += "f" + left$(str$(num),2) ELSE m1_cmess$ += "f" + left$(str$(num),1) ENDIF ENDIF IF(m1_fct[num] = 0) THEN m1_cmess$ += "-" ELSE m1_cmess$ += "+" ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i m2_cmess$ = "b" + m2_dcc_adr$ + " v" + m2_vit$ IF(m2_sens = 1) THEN m2_cmess$ += " s+" ELSE m2_cmess$ += " s-" ENDIF m2_cmess$ += " f0" IF(m2_fct0 = 0) THEN m2_cmess$ += "-" ELSE m2_cmess$ += "+" ENDIF FOR i = 1 TO 10 % envoie seulement la base active num = m2_fbase + i % 1..10,11..20,21..28 IF(num<=28) THEN IF(i = 1) THEN %optimisation f1+f2-f3+f4+f5+f6+f7-f8-f9-f10+ --> f1+-++++---+ IF(num>=10) THEN m2_cmess$ += "f" + left$(str$(num),2) ELSE m2_cmess$ += "f" + left$(str$(num),1) ENDIF ENDIF IF(m2_fct[num] = 0) THEN m2_cmess$ += "-" ELSE m2_cmess$ += "+" ENDIF ENDIF NEXT i cmess$ = "" ttx = 0 IF(au_msg$ <> "") THEN cmess$ = cmess$ + au_msg$ + " " au_msg$ = "" ttx = 1 ENDIF IF(ask_status) THEN gosub update_ok_to_tx IF(ok_to_tx) THEN cmess$ += "? " ttx = 1 ENDIF ENDIF IF(m1_cmess$ <> m1_old_cmess$) THEN cmess$ = cmess$ + m1_cmess$ + " " ttx = 1 ENDIF IF(m2_cmess$ <> m2_old_cmess$) THEN cmess$ = cmess$ + m2_cmess$ + " " ttx = 1 ENDIF IF(ttx) THEN ttx = 0 !GR.FRONT 0 !PRINT cmess$ !PAUSE 2000 !GR.FRONT 1 !GR.RENDER IF(use_net) THEN SOCKET.CLIENT.WRITE.LINE cmess$ m1_old_cmess$ = m1_cmess$ m2_old_cmess$ = m2_cmess$ ENDIF return !***************** SCRIPT ************************ script_start: IF(script_on = 1) THEN return ! choix du fichier array.delete d1$[] file.dir "",d1$[] select s,d1$[],"" filename$ = d1$[s] ! edition du fichier (peu etre commente) grabfile d$, filename$ text.input d$,d$ text.open w,pf,filename$ text.writeln pf, d$ text.close pf !pas de return car on continue script_restart: ! ouvrir le fichier ! TEXT.OPEN R, pf, "script.txt" TEXT.OPEN R, pf, filename$ IF(pf = -1) THEN return ! init des variables script_tempo = 0 script_wait_in = -1 script_wait_u = -1 script_wait_val = 1 script_on = 1 return script_stop: IF(script_on = 0) THEN return script_on = 0 TEXT.CLOSE pf return script_update: IF(script_on = 0) THEN return IF(script_tempo > 0) THEN IF((clock() - script_clock) < script_tempo) THEN return script_tempo = 0 ENDIF IF(script_wait_in<>-1) THEN in_n = script_wait_in GOSUB get_in IF(in_val<>script_wait_val) THEN return ENDIF IF(script_wait_u<>-1) THEN u_n = script_wait_u gosub get_u GOSUB get_in IF(u_val<>script_wait_val) THEN return ENDIF cont = 1 DO TEXT.READLN pf, script_line$ script_cmd$ = upper$(script_line$) IF(script_cmd$ = "EOF") THEN gosub script_stop cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "") THEN d_u.continue script_cmd$ = word$(script_cmd$,1) IF(script_cmd$ = "END") THEN gosub script_stop cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "LOOP") THEN gosub script_stop gosub script_restart cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "TEMPO") THEN script_tempo = 1000 * val(word$(script_line$,2)) %en ms script_clock = clock() cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "TEMPOR") THEN script_val1 = val(word$(script_line$,2)) script_val2 = val(word$(script_line$,3)) script_tempo = script_val1 + (script_val2 - script_val1) * rnd() script_tempo = 1000 * script_tempo script_clock = clock() cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "WAITIN") THEN script_wait_in = val(word$(script_line$,2)) script_wait_val = 1 cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "WAITNOTIN") THEN script_wait_in = val(word$(script_line$,2)) script_wait_val = 0 cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "WAITU") THEN script_wait_u = val(word$(script_line$,2)) script_wait_val = 1 cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "WAITNOTU") THEN script_wait_u = val(word$(script_line$,2)) script_wait_val = 0 cont = 0 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "CMD") THEN script_msg$ = word$(script_line$,2) IF(use_net) THEN SOCKET.CLIENT.WRITE.LINE script_msg$ cont = 1 ENDIF IF(script_cmd$ = "MSG") THEN script_val$ = word$(script_line$,2) POPUP script_val$,0,0,0 cont = 1 ENDIF UNTIL(cont = 0) return !***************** MAIN ************************ update_ok_to_tx: ok_to_tx = 0 IF(rxed) THEN rxed = 0 ok_to_tx = 1 ELSE IF((clock() - rxclock)>1000) THEN ok_to_tx = 1 rxclock = clock() ENDIF return ! all_rx_process_status recoit les status de la centrale et met a jour les diferentes valeurs ! ! chaine retour: au0 dcc iFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF dFFFFFFFFFFFF e000000000000 uFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF cyy ! 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 ! 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 all_rx_process_status: IF(use_net = 0) THEN return DO SOCKET.CLIENT.READ.READY flag IF(flag <> 0) THEN SOCKET.CLIENT.READ.LINE msg$ IF(len(msg$) >= 91) THEN IF(mid$(msg$,1,3) = "au1") THEN au = 1 IF(mid$(msg$,1,3) = "au0") THEN au = 0 IF(mid$(msg$,5,3) = "dcc") THEN ana = 0 IF(mid$(msg$,5,3) = "ana") THEN ana = 1 IF(mid$(msg$,9,1) = "i" ) THEN io_in$ = mid$(msg$,10,24) IF(mid$(msg$,35,1) = "d" ) THEN io_dir$ = mid$(msg$,36,12) IF(mid$(msg$,49,1) = "e" ) THEN io_dev$ = mid$(msg$,50,12) IF(mid$(msg$,63,1) = "u" ) THEN io_u$ = mid$(msg$,64,24) IF(mid$(msg$,89,1) = "c" ) THEN can$ = mid$(msg$,90,2) can = val(can$) ENDIF rx_updated = 1 rxed = 1 rxclock = clock() ENDIF ENDIF UNTIL(flag = 0) return main: GR.OPEN 255, 0, 0, 0 DO IF(mode = LOC) THEN gosub loc_setup WHILE(mode = LOC) ! on teste les appuis toutes les 50ms ou 33ms pour avoir une interface reactive pause 33 gosub loc_touch ! on recoit opportunement GOSUB all_rx_process_status ! on transmet une fois toutes les 100ms (s'il y a du changement) ! on demande le status une fois toute les 200ms cpt2 += 1 IF(cpt2 >= 3) THEN %on transmettre une fois/3 (toutes les 100ms) cpt2 = 0 ask_status = BXOR(ask_status, 1) GOSUB loc_tx ENDIF ! compteur pout faire clignoter le bouton d'AU cpt += 1 IF(cpt >= 10) THEN cpt = 0 ! mise a jour du script gosub script_update GR.RENDER REPEAT GR.CLS ENDIF IF(mode = TCO) THEN gosub tco_setup line_nb = 1 rect_nb = 1 oval_nb = 1 xy_cmd_nb = 1 list.clear action_list old_tco_sel = tco_sel IF(tco_sel = 1) THEN gosub user_create_tco1 IF(tco_sel = 2) THEN gosub user_create_tco2 IF(tco_sel = 3) THEN gosub user_create_tco3 IF(tco_sel = 4) THEN gosub user_create_tco4 IF(tco_sel = 5) THEN gosub user_create_tco5 gosub maj_line gosub maj_rect gosub maj_oval GR.RENDER WHILE(mode = TCO & tco_sel = old_tco_sel) ! on teste les clicks toutes les 50ms sinon pas assez fluide pause 50 GOSUB tco_touch ! on recoit opportunement GOSUB all_rx_process_status ! on update si changement IF(rx_updated) THEN rx_updated = 0 gosub maj_line gosub maj_rect gosub maj_oval ENDIF ! on transmet une fois toutes les 200ms (surtout pour demander le status) cpt2 += 1 IF(cpt2 >= 4) THEN cpt2 = 0 GOSUB tco_tx ENDIF ! compteur pout faire clignoter le bouton d'AU cpt += 1 IF(cpt >= 8) THEN cpt = 0 ! mise a jour du script gosub script_update GR.RENDER REPEAT GR.CLS ENDIF UNTIL(0)